How to deal with disappointment if you didnt get in to the secondary school you wanted

How to deal with disappointment if you didnt get in to the secondary school you wanted

Year 6 children and their parents will be finding out today if they got into the secondary school of their choice. Some children will inevitably feel disappointed, sad or angry if they didn’t get the choice that they wanted.  You can help your child to deal with this by:

Listening to their feelings and reassuring them that it’s normal to feel sad, angry, disappointed when things don’t turn out how we would like.  Don’t try to fix their feelings too quickly they need space to express them. When your child feels able to do so look at all the options and possibilities, the positive as well as the negative – who else do they know who didn’t get their choice either? what would be the positives about going to the other school? How can they find out which people they know are going to that school?  Does that school have some plus points that the other school doesn’t have?  Try to make a plan of action, this could include challenging the decision go to the Brighton and Hove council web-site for details on your options;

However you also need to prepare your child for the fact that some children wont get their first choice of school and will need to learn to live with that.  Try using our Stop-Think-Go worksheet to help you and your child to work through this together.

STOP THINK GO transition

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