Here at Safety Net we know parenting can be one of the hardest jobs. We aim to give parents and carers useful information and tips about keeping children safe and thriving and signpost to support that is available.
Family Support Book Ins
The Family Support Service is available to families with a child or children at participating schools in Brighton and Hove. Families are referred by schools who are working in partnership with us. They are referred for lots of reasons, which can include, parenting or behavioural issues, family breakdown or other difficulties which are impacting on family life.
We offer a book-in service in school for parents and carers to access individual parenting advice from one of our experienced workers. At the moment this is delivered over the phone.
Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in accessing support.
Online Safety for Parents and Carers
We can offer online safety training for parents and carers. This is booked by schools or organisations. If you are a parent or carer interested, please speak to your school about this. Schools and organisations can contact [email protected] for more information.
Resources to download
The below resources are FREE to download. We welcome any feedback, please email [email protected] and let us know how you’re using them to help facilitate discussions with your children.
Latest calendar competition (coming soon)
Latest Home Safety Newsletter
Winter 2022/23
Colouring pages
Just Breathe
You Rock
Feelings Come, Feelings Go
NB: Information on these resources was correct at time of creation. Some signposting may no longer be applicable.
Helpful Websites
Parents and carers | CEOP Education (thinkuknow.co.uk)
Parent Zone Common Sense Media: Age-Based Media Reviews for Families | Common Sense Media
Bullying | Parents Guide to Support | YoungMinds
Bullying advice for parents | Bullying UK | Family Lives
Children’s Mental Health:
Parents and Careers | Advice and Guidance | Anna Freud Centre
How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health | YoungMinds
Coping with financial worries – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Help Your Child To Cope With Money Worries | MoneySense (mymoneysense.com)

Safety Net has really helped my family and me because we have done SNAP at school, and at home. It has helped my relationship with my friends and with my family. I am not as shy and nervous as I used to be and I have made five new friends
(girl aged 12)