Training & Workshops

We offer one day training sessions introducing the basics of Protective Behaviours, which can then be followed by optional half day Practice Workshops specific to the groups of individuals you work with. Courses run regularly at our own premises, or can be delivered to your organisation as a bespoke session.

The one day basic training explores the themes and ideas of Protective Behaviours and how practitioners can use the skills for themselves in their work.

Benefits to participants include:

  • Development of safety awareness skills for ourselves and for the people we work with
  • A range of tools that can be used when working with children, young people and parents

Benefits for clients and their families include skills and strategies for:

  • Improved self-esteem and family relationships
  • Improved safety awareness
  • Increased ability in assertiveness and problem-solving

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Examine how to develop Safety Awareness for ourselves and people that we work with
  • Review what gets in the way of people acting for their own safety
  • Examine how to make Safe Choices – exploring thoughts, feelings and behaviour
  • Identify how to develop Networks of Support
  • Use Safe Language to create a safe environment

The practice workshops allow participants to explore ways of using Protective Behaviours with the individuals they work with. Currently we offer the following workshops, but please contact us to discuss how we can support any other groups not mentioned:

  • Working with Teenagers
  • Working with Families
  • Supporting Children with Disabilities

For information on future training dates please see our Training Calendar

Further details of our bespoke training offer are available on the Training for Organisations, Schools and Groups page. You can also read about how the principles of PBs are incorporated into our ‘Feeling Good, Feeling Safe for Schools’ programme which is available for Primary Schools.

If you have any queries or require further information please contact the Training Administrator on [email protected] or 01273 322941.

Safety Net has really helped my family and me because we have done SNAP at school, and at home. It has helped my relationship with my friends and with my family. I am not as shy and nervous as I used to be and I have made five new friends

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